My sister and her husband have a
phlog for their boy, Reid. I have recently been (unfairly) pushed down the page. My bro-in-law let me know that if maybe he had a few more pictures here maybe I could get better positioning on his phlog. Well, this posed a dilemma for me. Of course I should have - nay - deserve more photos with better location. After all I am a FUNcle. However, the only photos I have of Lilly and Drew was a little trip that Drew's wife (my sister) is unaware of, his trip to Mexico.
Of the pictures that Lilly brought back there are two that I am able to show you due to some new internet laws. The first one is a picture from Jose's Skydivers. The slogan on their sign was "You must be high to dive."
The other photo that I can show may wind some people in trouble with the ASPCA. But I gotta do what I gotta do to get on that phlog.

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