Saturday, March 8, 2008

Baby gets Served!

The day started way too early and on way too little sleep. Lilliana had gone to the doctor which tires her out until about 1AM and then she was up. i went to sleep around 5:30AM and wife took over baby duties. I awoke late and rushed into the shower for our family's big day in court. As I exited the shower and dazed looked for clothes that a normal sleeping human adult would wear my wife went off to dress up the baby. That's when I heard the scream.
I began to move down the hall very quickly suspecting nothing good could come from a scream like the one my wife had just emitted. About three steps down the hall I heard, "Why? Why would you pee in my hair? What kind of baby pees in a mother's hair? Boys do that, not you."
Susan showed up at the courthouse that day with pee hair. I showed up with a lot of nasty looks thrown my way. But c'mon. It is funny.
Here is the baby getting served. Notice how in each picture the sheriff gets less and less happy to serve the baby. He did not expect the photoshoot. If you expect Sue, you expect the photoshoot.

Next stop was the courtroom to be granted the baby. The judge made a little speech about the joys of parenting. Susan cried. I was doing everything I could to not laugh. I mean, c'mon, pee-hair in a courtroom. After we asked for a picture with the judge. Susan asked if it would be "judge-like for me to put my arm around you." I do not think he expected us to hand him the baby but super judge-dad handled it in stride. The lawyer took the picture. Neither me nor my wife seem to be awake in this photo.

1 comment:

ThreeBurrs said...

My eyes are filled with tears and I am laughing at the same time!!!!!